Welcome to NOVAworks!
NOVAworks provides customized services to the jobseekers of Silicon Valley from its locations in Sunnyvale and San Mateo. NOVAworks staff are dedicated to providing you with the necessary tools to enter or re-enter Silicon Valley's unique workforce. Our job is not complete until your job begins.
Your time at NOVAworks will begin by speaking with experienced career advisors to discuss your specific needs. Afterward, you will have the opportunity to participate in workshops that focus on such topics as assessing your career objectives, creating a powerful resume, learning to network effectively, and understanding how to negotiate for the best possible employment situation. And if your skills are out of date, you may have the opportunity to participate in classroom training at no cost with approved local vendors.
NOVAworks also provides specialized services to specific populations such as veterans, youth, and older workers. NOVAworks works closely with local businesses, educators, and individuals to ensure that our programs provide opportunities that build the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to address the workforce needs of Silicon Valley. NOVAworks is an equal opportunity employer/program; auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.