Contact NOVAworks career advisors
Career advising services are available both remotely via Zoom or telephone and in person. Contact NOVAworks to make an appointment.
If you have a Job-Search question:
NOVAworks career advisors are available to registered customers. You can meet with a career advisor either in person or remotely via phone or Zoom. Call NOVAworks to schedule a same-day or next-day appointment.
If you have a Training question:
Are you exploring training as a tool to help you re-enter the workforce? To speak with a training advisor about general training questions or your career research, click one of the form links below.
Please fill out this form if you'd like access to our online learning platform IBM SkillsBuild (includes Udemy access). You'll be able to select a 30-minute group tutorial session on how to use the platform and then a training advisor will sign you up for a six-month license. You must be an active NOVAworks member to participate.